Lots of Photos

Our house is in disarray as we start the process of getting ready for the Captain's arrival this spring. First step is to get Dan's den redone so that I can move my desk and stuff into it. We are having floors installed this week, which means no more awful carpet.


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And yesterday afternoon:

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Today – another coat of stain, and tomorrow, sealant. Next week – painting and electric.

Next… here is a cute project that M has been working on with some friends – a newsletter for her class:


Next… here are some of the shots from the ultrasound yesterday:

(Yes, that's what you think it is…)


Telling the sonographer how to do her job – "Yes, that's my leg!":


Profile of The Captain:


And finally here are some pics from the weekend honoring Ron and his SSWR award:

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Feldman Weekend 067

1 comment

Dina says:

Great photos that will help us to remember a fabulous visit with all of you! The sonograms are terrific and the newsletter is better than 99% of today’s journalism!
Grandma Dina (and Grandpa Ron)

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