Well it is already Thursday and I haven't posted all week because so much has been going on. Here are a few of those things.
Tonight was BTS night at both Sidwell and GDS. 4th year in a row that they took place on the same night. Thankfully they were both on Zoom and we were able to minimize the overlap so I only missed one of A's teachers and Dad only missed one of M's. They both have great teachers this year, as always.
N had a baseball game on Tuesday. He pitched an inning, which is very stressful. It didn't go great, but I am so proud of him for trying and am even more proud of him for practicing pitching tonight at practice. He says he's open to pitching again. (They won on Tuesday so they are still undefeated.)
Dad and I celebrated our 20th anniversary yesterday!
A was cast as the female lead in Sidwell's fall play, which is called Puffs and has something to do with Harry Potter? She is not excited about it.
N went to the orthodontist today. We were surprised to learn that he needs a palate expander on top – like, now – but that he MAY not need braces in phase 2! Things look well-aligned.