Loud but Proud

It was loud in the house today.

N, who screamed uncontrollably for 15 minutes after his nap.

Lucky, who barked a TON today and pooped for no reason on the first floor. (Thankfully on the hardwood).

The girls, who were generally calm and quiet but who played their cello and violin in competing tandem tonight.

…And the kicker:

The air duct cleaners who ran an industrial vaccuum for hours getting all the dust and dirt and gross out of our air vents. YUCK but clean now and hopefuly more efficient. But loud.

After the kids had dinner we went to BBM for treats. En route home we stopped to say hi to Katie, and her dad drove M&A home about 20 minutes later.

The little boy LOVES his sisters so much. He has been hugging them and laughing uncontrollably at them a lot lately. It is the cutest thing ever. I am so proud of all three of them!

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