Aunt Tequila was in town overnight and she, Grandma Sandy and Nate went out to lunch today. Here are some pics from today:
Why didn't I go to lunch too? Because I AM WORKING! YAY!
I will post USC pics tomorrow – need to get some from Dad.
Here is the report on Day 2 of Hobart's dog school:
He did great when attempting to get on the dog walk! We started this yesterday to build his confidence since he seemed very nervous on his first day and he successfully went across today without struggling!
Practice Let’s Go and Wait throughout the day. Since he is pretty good at walking without pulling ahead, we focused more on waiting by the door before walking inside/outside and building duration of the command. He did great overall and didn’t rush through the door. I was also able to drop the leash and take a few steps back when practicing the wait command in the training room.
Practiced Place command in the training room; he was able to stay on the cot for a longer period of time! I was also able to walk to the end of my leash a couple of times without him attempting to walk off.
Practiced Sit command without hand signal; he did great and didn’t struggle with doing the command at all.