M & A and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Day

The day started out well. We took the girls to the doctor and everything went really well. M is 40 inches and 33 pounds, and A is 39 inches and 30 pounds. A is going down in weight in terms of percentile, but their doctor isn’t worried. All was fine… until they needed 4 shots. M did well – she cried for a while (and wiggled around while the nurse was trying to give her the shots), but she stopped crying relatively quickly and started in on the massive bag of candy I brought for her. A, however, got completely freaked out by M crying, and started crying even before she had her shots. She was still crying when we left the doctor’s office.


I dropped them off at music class. According to Imogene, A wanted to leave class early because "her leg hurt" from the shot. Imogene had to carry her home from the bus stop because "her leg hurt". Of course, upon walking in the door, she immediately got on her scooter.

After nap, the girls didn’t want to go to the park because "their legs hurt". So they stayed home.

When I got home, we read three books. After we read them, M said, "This has been a not good day. I don’t like any of these books. I didn’t like the shots. And a boy hit me at music. Today was a very not good day."

So we decided that tomorrow would be a better day.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I could say poor girls, but it was Imogene and you who suffered the most. Tell M and A that everyone gets shots to stay healthy, even their 85 year old aunt. Give them a BIG hug and kiss from me and tell them I love them.
Love, Aunt Ann

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