M Goes to the Doctor

M has woken up the past two mornings with sticky eyes and green gunk all over them. I know that oozy eyes can be a symptom of something else, so I took her to the doctor this afternoon after nap. It turns out the poor pup has strep throat! She hasn’t really complained about her throat at all, except for once this morning, so I was surprised that she tested positive. No fever, though. So, she’s now on eye drops and antibiotics and I am just hoping that A doesn’t get it too. A few cute things from the doctor’s office:

  • When I was getting M out of the car at the doctor’s, she said, "You are the best mommy." That’s the second time she told me that today – awww. Makes me feel so good to hear that.
  • M wanted to hide from the doctor before he came in to the examining room, like she "hides" from Daddy when he gets home from work. So she did.
  • She did NOT like getting a throat culture (who does?) and was definitely traumatized when it was over.
  • M weighs 33 pounds. I wonder if A has even cracked 30 yet.
  • On the way home from the doctor, M said she was "a sleepy peep," which is something I always call them. (hee!)
  • At the doctor’s office, a little girl had a bunny who was exactly the same as Bunny of Piggy & Bunny fame. Tonight, we told A all about it, and decided that if A had come to the doctor’s office, we could have re-enacted Knuffle Bunny but with the two bunny loveys.

I told M & A before dinner that I had bought them some lemonade that I know M likes. They said that they wanted to have some at dinner. I forgot about it, until A turned to me from the table and said, "So. How about that lemonade?" It was funny.

Meanwhile, A made a FANTASTIC drawing today of a snowman. It is very impressive. I am going to see if I can take a photo of it. Ok, here’s the photo. I know it’s not a great shot, but the drawing was amazing.


1 comment

Anonymous says:

I see we have an artist in the family. A drew an exceptional snowman. It’s amazing what talent your girls have. I send big
hugs and kisses to both of them.

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