M is Sick

Now poor M is sick. Today she had a fever of 103 (102 when I got home). She’s tired and sort of glassy-eyed but not in a bad mood. Tonight she asked if she could help me pack for our trip to Seattle. (We’re going in over a month).

The girls have camp orientation tomorrow. They’ll meet their counselors, learn who else is in their room, find their cubbies, etc. Tonight we labeled their towels and bathing suits and pool shoes, and packed ziploc bags and sunblock for them.

Tonight, A said that she likes to check on M after M goes to sleep, and that sometimes she gets back in bed and sleeps in the same position that M was sleeping in. HOW CUTE IS THAT?

Thanks to Buppie and Aunt Tequila for stopping over with dinner tonight!

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I’m so sorry that M is sick. Hope she feels better soon. It’s so nice that Buppie and Aunt Tequila brought dinner for all of you. Wish the girls lots of fun with their camping experience. Love all of you.
Aunt Ann

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