M the Mature

Tonight M opened one of those Haunkah gifts that wasn’t that fun. Amidst the Tinkertoys, bouncy balls, play-doh and stickers, I included a hanging organizer thing that the girls can use to store things like bracelets, barrettes, finger puppets, etc. – the things that just don’t seem to have a home. Not the most exciting present. In fact, it was really a present for me, not for them, because I doubt the disorganization bothers them at all.

M opened it, and when she looked at it, she looked back at me as if to ask what it was. I explained what it was and why I bought it. She paused for a second, and sort of considered her reaction. After a second, she smiled at me and said, "It’s great, Mommy. Thanks." I know she was really trying to make me feel good about it. I thought to myself, how can this girl only be three and a half? Wow.

Luckily, there were two other cool presents under the piano – Olivia Forms a Band and Knuffle Bunny (the original). We read those tonight and they were both hits.

Only one more night of Hanukah left!

I took some cute video tonight of the girls bouncing around on their yellow balls. I’ll upload it tomorrow.


Teha says:

I have to say I’m very impressed with M’s maturity. I’m 29 and when my mom gives me a gift I don’t like- I do not hide my displeasure! I should take some lessons from M.

Anonymous says:

What a wonderful story about M and the new gift. M is so mature for such a young child. Amazing. She’s also very thoughtful and considerate. Both M and A are so exceptional. How proud you must be of both of them.

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