M the Workaholic

This morning, I asked M to pick up some hangers and sweaters from the floor, and then hand them to me so I could hang them up. Then I asked her to pick up some magazines that were on the floor as we went downstairs, because my hands were full.  She did all of the above without complaining, but as we were headed downstairs, she said, "There’s a lot of work today, Mommy."

A was playing with a Toober – which is a long styrofoam toy that can be molded into many shapes. She wrapped it around her waist and had a long piece sticking out in front of her, which she started waving around the room. She looked at us and said, "It’s a leaf-blower!" Sure enough, our yard guy had been over a few weeks ago with a wearable leaf blower. What an imagination!

I always tell the girls that I don’t like princesses. I like ballerinas, but not princesses – ballerinas are beautiful but have a purpose, while princesses exist only in fairy tales and define themselves only by their husbands or fathers.  Tonight, I asked M if she’d like to go to see a movie with me and Buppie tomorrow – "Enchanted." I told her it was about a princess. She said, "I don’t like princesses. I only like ballerinas."


1 comment

Anonymous says:

Here’s wishing M and A and their mommy and daddy a happy New Year.
The girls are so adorable and so very intelligent — like their parents.

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