M Turns the Tables

Whew. What a day. The girls and I hung out and ran errands this morning and went to the playground. Then, after nap, we went to a pumpkin carving party and carved our scary/happy pumpkin. (There was a difference of opinion about whether the pumpkin should be scary or happy).

[As I type this, the girls are in bed singing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" together. They are supposed to be going to sleep, but it’s really cute.]

Before I forget, some mispronunciations that I keep forgetting to blog about:

  • "lello" for yellow – this has been around for a long time and I fear it may be permanent
  • "flee" instead of three – used a lot, especially when asked how old they are
  • "slip" instead of flip – most commonly used to describe the easy way to put on a coat – coat on floor, arms in the arm holes, flipped over one’s head

One joke we’ve always made with the girls – sometimes they will pretend a body part is missing, like if they pull their sleeves over their hands, they’ll say "where are my hands?" We go through a list of places – in the bath, at school, at the playground… and each time they say "NO!" until we finally "discover" where their hands really are. Today, M did it with her hands, inside her sleeves, and I started guessing. "Are they… at the drugstore?" "NO!" Are they… at the playground?" "NO!" Are they… at Trader Joe’s?" "NO!" Are they… at the hardware store?" ‘YES, they are at the hardware store! Let’s go back and get them!"

Joke’s on Mommy!

Here is the pumpkin:


1 comment

Anonymous says:

Love your pumpkin. What costumes did the girls finally
decide on? Hope all of you enjoy Halloween. The blog was fun to read.

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