Today was a long day for the girls – camp and then swimming with Daddy and Imogene at the Bethesda pool. Daddy is back from India and picked the girls up after camp and took them to the pool. It is VERY hot here.
Pizza tonight.
M enjoys asking us trivia questions from a big book of trivia that I bought for Daddy. It's so cute – she asks the questions and looks up the answers, even though I don't think she understands any of it.
I gave the girls the M&A quiz and they did very well. Before we started I said that "both M&A" was an answer to two questions, so they knew it was a possibility. They questioned me a bit on the Radio Disney question, and M asked what "thorough" meant, but otherwise they agreed with the responses. It was SO cute giving them the quiz. When I got to the last one, "Who is the CUTEST, SWEE-", they both cut me off and said "BOTH" really loud in a kind of bored voice. I guess I tell them that a lot.
Your quiz with the girls was really cute. Glad Daddy is home safe and sound. Sorry about your heat spell. It’s 70 degrees here in the Northwest. WIsh I could share the cool air.
Aunt Ann
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