Maddie’s Presentation

Maddie did a presentation today to Grandma’s Salon group about her time in Taiwan and Kenya. She did a great job! There were some technical difficulties but she was very patient and composed. Grandma’s friends thought she was very impressive. (She is!)

N had a social justice teach-in day at GDS today. He went to a session on DC Statehood and one on dark humor. (We do not know what dark humor has to do with social justice.) He said it was “okay”. Mostly N has been very focused on the Risk game he has been playing with Dad the last two nights. N is obsessed.

A had the first of three gatherings at Tri Delt last night where the pledges get boxes of little gifts that are supposed to reveal their big sisters. A thinks she knows who it is, and she is very excited. It was really nice to hear her laughing.

Here is the box she got from the upperclassman last night.

I hope that the issues with the blog have been resolved and that you’re all getting updates via email now!

1 comment

sandy says:

Great comedic movies that made fun of Hitler: The Producers, To Be or Not to Be, The Great Dictator. Even American Fiction is about social justice.
Grandma Sandy

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