Marathon Sunday

A very long and busy and Sunday.

The girls had ballet this morning (no Abigail, unfortunately), and then we raced down to the Kennedy Center to see Peter and the Wolf. M&A liked it a lot, though they were scared of the wolf. We also saw some of the instruments beforehand at the Instrument Petting Zoo. I think M had her fingers in her ears the moment we walked into the Kennedy Center, and she took them out only when she went to the potty.

After the concert, we came home for a quick nap, and then the girls went for their first visit ever at Buppie’s ever without Mommy or Daddy. They stayed for over two hours, had dinner, watched an Angelina Ballerina movie, and played all over the house with Buppie. Meanwhile, we hosted a very civilized potluck dinner at our house for the parents of the kids in M&A’s class. M&A couldn’t understand why the parents were coming over without their kids. A asked if I was sad that none of the kids had been there. I said, "No, I missed you, but I didn’t miss any of the other kids." Thank you to Buppie for making the evening a little easier on us.

Tonight, I commented to Daddy that A had been talking nonstop since she woke up from her nap – about 5 hours straight. She talked through her bath, during her books, while brushing her teeth, while pooping. I didn’t really notice it until about 9:15, and then it hit me that she hadn’t taken a break from talking in many, many hours.

I am ready for bed.