March Photos I

Some weeks, the girls seem to flip-flop personalities. Last week, A was very sunny and upbeat — all smiles, patient with M, and easygoing. M was the one being moody and on the verge of tears. Today, they switched – A was challenging today, both before school and when I got home from work, while M was patient and easy. Keeps me on my toes!

Tennis starts after school tomorrow!

I finally uploaded the photos from March – the girls' kindergarten performance, our trip to NY for Passover, baby Sydney, and Florida. I will include some photos here all week, starting with the photos from the girls' kindergarten performance the day before Spring Break.

Here are the girls with their friend Hannah:


Here are the girls with Hannah, Catherine, and Ian (yes, *that* Ian – note A hugging him!):


M on her way to the cast party:


A on her way to the cast party:


All of Orange Base:


1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the wonderful photos. M and A are so darling and look so happy. The entire group seem so happy. I look forward to seeing the photos that are coming.
Aunt Ann

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