M&A’s “About Me”

When Daddy and I went to Back to School Night, we were greeted by these very cute things that the girls had made. M's is an acrostic (?) of her name, using M-A-D-E-L-E-I-N-E and describing herself, and A's is a questionnaire with a self-portrait. I love them!

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I think M's is easy to read. If you can't read A's, it says:

My favorite color is blue.

My favorite toy is boxes.

My best school subject is Art, music, wring [writing], reading, and scince [science].

I LOVE that A put "boxes" for her favorite toy. She loves boxes (remember the alien boy video?!). The picture has her carrying a Harry Potter book. And I love every one of M's letters – so cute. She managed to touch on many of her interests and passions.

Meanwhile, N has outgrown a ton of clothes that he never wore. The long sleeved stuff that I have waited for colder weather for? Most of it is too small for him. So sad! He's huge

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