M&A’s Day Camping and N’s Day with Mommy

Today, N and I spent the day together and Daddy took the girls to the annual father-kid camping trip. They didn't sleep over at the camp site but are en route now (it's 10:45 PM). I think they had a good time – Daddy sent me some photos. I will let him write up the camping portion tomorrow since I wasn't there.

N and I had a nice day together. We went over to Grampy and Nana's for a visit. N had a lot of fun doing play-doh on the deck with Nana. Grampy is doing better and wasn't even wearing his boot today. He can move his ankle around more and will hopefully get good news from the doctor on Monday! Before we left, N asked Grampy how his foot was and if he was getting better.

After N's nap, he and I went to Best Buy and spent an hour (!) getting the girls cell phones. He was very good given how long we were standing there doing absolutely nothing. We came home after, walked Lucky, and had dinner. Well, *I* had dinner. N ate nothing except for 2 cookies which he 
earned by going peepee on the potty. And he's still up (10:49PM). Grrr.

However, he said this very cute thing tonight. While I was making dinner, he said, "Mama, I loved this day." I asked why? He said, "It was a beautiful day, and Grampy is feeling better, and I was with you." HOW CUTE IS THAT?

Pics from camping:






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