Matzoh Factory

Like many things in life, the anticipation of the matzoh factory trip was better than the real thing. (For me, anyway – I can’t speak for M&A). It was very crowded, and what is billed as a "factory" is really a storefront with an oven in the back. It was also extremely crowded with pre-schoolers. I do think the girls had fun, though. First, two guys acted out the story of Exodus, making it pretty kid-friendly. The girls liked that a lot. Afterwards, they were supposed to roll dough into small round circles, to be cooked into matzoh, but of course A had to go to the bathroom and M wouldn’t let us go without her, so they missed most of the dough-rolling. Then, after that part, the kids were shown a movie. During the movie, I was talking to one of the other moms (the one I had bid against for the Warhol, and I wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings – there weren’t.) So I missed the movie, but by the end of it A was in tears. Then came a mad scramble for coats, and it was over.

Much excitement when we heard a song from The Dream Jam Band on XM Kids this morning – all three of us were screaming.

The girls do seem to have absorbed a fair amount of the Passover story and keep singing, "Let My People Go."

Imogene had to leave early today so we went biking at the playground around 5:30 with Buppie. The girls had a lot of fun. I took some pictures and video but am too tired to upload them tonight. Their favorite part was riding their trikes down a hill – Buppie held them at the top and made sure they didn’t gather too much speed. Lots of slides and monkey bars too.

Penne pesto for dinner… bath… books (Counting Crocodiles and If You Give a Pig a Pancake)… and bed. Then both girls decided they needed to poop. So now it’s 10 PM and Daddy just got home and everyone’s awake. But Mommy is blogging, so all is OK.

Answering viewer mail:

  • Hi Teha! So nice to hear from you!! Sorry I missed your birthday celebration the other night – I had just gotten home from NY. (Yes, I know that didn’t stop Lisa – you young’uns enjoy that independence while you have it.) Congratulations on finishing your thesis!!!
  • Hi Aunt Darrah! Here is a place where you go to assemble meals.
  • Hi Aunt Ann! I love your comments, as always! Keep them up!
  • Hi Christina! Anytime you and Mikey want to have us over, we’re there.

Tomorrow is Thursday… work, and girls have muskit class.

UPDATE: Buppie has come through with photos from today! She has boundless energy and managed to get her photos uploaded already! Here are some from the playground.

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Anonymous says:

Your blogs are so entertaining and wonderful. Please thank Buppie for the great photos. I love them. M and A are so very beautiful, REALLY beautiful.

Aunt Darrah says:

Thanks for the shout out. Who knew about those meals?! Love the pics…

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