
Yesterday morning, I had a very early meeting, and got little sleep. I went to bed last night when the girls went to bed – unheard of! A had a hard time falling asleep, so she came and slept with me (Daddy is away). It was so cozy having her in my bed.

Tonight, after work, I was interviewed about my book blogging on an internet radio station. I am fighting a cold and my voice is starting to go. A said, "Mommy, if you need to talk on the interview and your voice is too soft, you can borrow my cheerleading costume megaphone." (HOW CUTE IS THAT?)

Today, Imogene told me that Allie seems to be navigating the stairs better this week (usually she won't go down the stairs on her own). A said, "Maybe Allie cleaned her eyes."

This morning we were talking about medical school. A said – randomly, before we were talking about medical school, "If there is a body who is dead, then people can look at it to see what the inside of their eyes look like." I told her about anatomy and medical school and that Uncle Jonathan went to medical school and learned about bodies. A said that maybe she would like to be a doctor.

Then M, who I do not think wants to be a doctor, asked me about law school and what you do there. I said, "You read a lot."

1 comment

a says:

M and A say the cutest things. Alison (my granddaughter) wanted to be a doctor as far back as A’s age, and now she’s in medical school and doing well. Who knows what the future holds. Whatever your girls decide to do will be wonderful, I’m sure, no matter what it is. They are so bright and so beatiful.
Aunt Ann

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