Memorial Day

We had a pretty uneventful Memorial Day today. The girls were home in the morning, and then they came to my office with me to get my blackberry looked at (we had an IT migration over the weekend). I showed them my new office, and they both decided they liked my old office better. A said that the desk wasn't "tidy and neat" enough (which is odd, because it's really neat!).

The girls rode their bikes outside my office for a while – there is a large pedestrian plaza that is actually a great place to ride. A is getting much more confident on her bike. I showed her how to brake today, and she picked it up really quickly.

Then it was off to some really boring errands – Best Buy, hardware store, and supermarket. The girls entertained each other – perhaps a bit too energetically.

For dinner, Buppie and a friend came over, which was a lot of fun. M & A put on a long ballet for them after dinner until we insisted they turn off the music and get in the tub.

Only 6 more days of school left!

1 comment

A says:

It’s great that the girls see where mommy works so they can visualize it when mommy is away. M and A will eventually get used to shopping and doing all those mundane things, and someday they will be able to do them for mommy. The years pass quickly and before you turn around, M and A will be grown up. Enjoy them now.
Aunt Ann

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