Memorial Day mid-Weekend

We've had quite a weekend so far.

Yesterday we went to gymnastics and then ran some errands at Chevy Chase Circle. The girls had a good class – handstands against the wall, the "big trampoline", and the moonbounce! We had to have a little chat about not asking for things when classended and M asked me to buy her a toy and A asked for ice cream. This is not the first time we have had this talk. We talked about money, about the fact that they have so many toys already, and that Mommy says yes more times than she gets credit for.

In the afternoon, we drove out to a camping area about 40 minutes away, where lots of TSNS friends were camping for the night. We only stayed for a few hours, but we hung out with the kids, did a nature walk, played football (M) and checked out the inside of a tent with Marley (A). They were sad to leave! Then we went to a Memorial Day Weekend BBQ at a friend's house in Takoma Park. Long day! The girls had dirt under their fingernails before bath – the sign of a good summer weekend!

Today we hung out at home in the morning, and then I took the girls swimming, even though their teacher cancelled lessons about an hour before we were to leave (she is sick).  Then Daddy met us at the gym and we went shopping at the mall for a few hours. Then we squeezed in pottery painting in Bethesda. I ran into an old friend from SF at the pottery place – she lives in NJ now. The girls got very shy around her – and A very cranky – which made me sad! I want to show them off at their best.

Home… dinner… no bath because we showered at the gym… books… bed.


Here are some recent photos, from the zoo and the Pilim final Shabbat on Friday:

Zoo1 Zoo2 Zoo3 Zoo4 Pilim1 Pilim2 Pilim4 Pilim5 Pilim6 Pilim7 Pilim8

1 comment

a says:

Love this blog with lots of photos and lots of interesting information. All of you did so much today. It sounds like it was a very exciting day. Will M and A go to camp this summer — perhaps Day Camp, which is what my children loved at age five. Enjoy and keep sharing such wonderful photos.
Aunt Ann

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