Memorial Day Weekend Sunday

We are having a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. A few plans with friends here and there, but lots of time at home too. Today we went to a BBQ at a friend's house in the afternoon. M&A were the oldest kids there, which doesn't happen too often. Beforehand, I took them to a new cupcake store in our neighborhood, and then to Target to stock up on sunblock and bugspray. Here are the girls at the cupcake store:


Some funny stories from today:

– I got a bunch of bug bites at the BBQ. A said, "Mommy, when you're older, like 50, those bites will be gone." I said, "I sure hope so! I don't want bites that last 10 years! But won't I get new ones then?" She said, "No, when you're older, like 50 or 60, you don't get bug bites anymore."

– M said today, "Mommy, you're definitely a pusher." I said, "You mean a pushover?" She said, "Yes, you are a pushover. You are the mommy who is the most pushover of all." (She's right and we both know it. I am a pushover.)

– A and I walked Allie together a few times this weekend. The best part is that she will hold my hand for entire walk, except when I am picking up poop.

We had to write some notes to the girls' teacher for an end-of-the-year book some parents are putting together for her. Here's what they wrote:

A: Ms. Haigler teaches us new things, including things that
happened a long time ago (like American Indians), how to tell time, how
to keep the earth green, and how to read. The funniest thing that
happened in Ms. Haigler's class was when she was looking for her brown
marker, and asked if someone took it from her, but it was really in her
hand! I remember the first day, when she taught us how to do the first
page in our workbook. The best thing about being in Ms. Haigler's class
is that we get to learn things that we didn't learn before. In first
grade, I will miss Ms. Haigler a lot.

Maddie: I like when Ms. Haigler teaches us stuff, and when we do
arts and crafts. I like when she changes her hair! I also like the way
she teaches and describes how things work. I liked a lot of the jobs
that I have done – my favorites are Line Leader and Board Eraser and
Weather Monitor. My favorite Alpha Friends are Callie Cat and Hattie
Horse and Mimi Mouse and Fifi Fish. I like that Ms. Haigler taught me
about patterns. She is the best teacher I've ever had because she has
taught me the most!

For those of you on the edge of your seats wondering which animals the girls picked for their Animals of the World research project – I can put an end to the suspense. A picked Polar Bear (Reindeer was picked by someone else) and M picked Iguana. I said to Daddy, "You should have gotten some research books about those animals when you were at the library." M said, "Or, we can go on-line and use the Google."

Yes, we can.

1 comment

a says:

M and A are so bright. They wrote such wonderful things about their teacher, and about how much they learned. Mommy and daddy, you are the best parents I know. Lucky girls.
Aunt Ann

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