Memories From the Weekend

It has been a long weekend… with lots of fun and activities. Daddy has been gone since Friday so it’s been just me. Buppie is over right now, reading to the girls, which is a very welcome help!

So many things happened this weekend. Rather than talk about them chronologically (zzzz), I thought I would just talk about what stands out in my mind.

  • We went to Disney on Ice: Finding Nemo yesterday. M spent the entire show with her fingers in her ears. (It really wasn’t that loud). I have to say, she is just like her Mommy. I spent all of There Will Be Blood – well, the part of it I stayed for, with my fingers in my ears. The girls enjoyed the show very much. It was definitely helpul that we had seen the movie version the day before. We enjoyed the show with Hannah and Andrew and Sarah and John. John was very cute with the girls – he played a version of musical chairs with the chairs in the suite while I was taking M to the potty.
  • Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason came with us to ballet yesterday. What a treat! We loved having them here and were sad to see them go. At ballet, M&A saw Abigail for the first time in a week, since Abigail had been on a trip with her parents. During class, the girls split up into pairs, as they had last week. However, this time, instead of being partners with each other, A paired up with Abigail. I was very sad for M. I don’t like thinking of either one of them ever feeling excluded. M seemed OK with it and hung out with Dahlia instead.
  • We had a nice brunch with Sarah and Rachel and Uncle Jon and Aunt Liz yesterday. It was great to see the cousins together. Sarah and Rachel were so good with the girls, and the girls absolutely adored seeing them.
  • Lovely visit as well with Grampy, Nana and Emmy. The girls were so lucky to see so many family members this weekend! I am sure they felt very loved.
  • We had a nice playdate today at Virginia and Sofia’s. Te girls loved their LIte Brite so I bought them one this afternoon. It’s something I always wanted as a kid. The girls like it a lot.
  • M & A wore matching panties today. A had a little bit of an accident in hers this afternoon, so we changed them. As she was taking them off, she apologized to M for the fact that they weren’t going to be matching anymore. HOW CUTE IS THAT!
  • I am learning, slowly, to play the guitar. I figured I’d learn to play something that they know, so I chose The Wiggles’ "Rock-a-Bye Your Bear". I played it for the girls after nap and they sang it along with me. Then M said. "Good for you, Mommy, to learn this song!"
  • M kept saying that we were going to "a makeup class" today. (We missed gymnastics on Saturday). I think she thought we were going to learn how to put blush on.

Overall, the girls were delights all weekend. Such cuties. A hasn’t had a meltdown or a tantrum in weeks. She’s been so unbelievably sweet and cooperative. There were definitely moments that tried my patience (M was quite cranky today after not having a good nap), but overall they were really good girls. I am so proud of them. And I love them so very much.

Here is a picture of Buppie and her granddaughters.



Aunt Darrah says:

We had such a blast seeing you and the girls, and we miss them already! We’ll see you all at their birthday party!

Anonymous says:

It was fun reading about all the things you and the girls did. The photo of Sandy and all of her granddaughters is lovely. Thank you.

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