We've had a nice two holiday days so far. Yesterday, we kicked off Christmas Eve with three FluMist applications at Capitol Medical Group, which got something off the list that has been on the list for months. Flu, stay away!
Then in the afternoon we started off a jigsaw puzzle, which we finished today! It was one from Grandma Sandy called Games We Played:
It was the perfect puzzle – 1000 pieces, not too hard, really fun. This may be a record!!
Then around 6 we drove around Colonial Village to see the famous Bishop's house with all the lights, and the blow up characters around the corner, and then drove to Chris and Laurie's where we had Christmas Eve Chinese food dinner. N loved playing with Caleb and entertaining the kitties.
We had a lot of fun.
Today was a pretty relaxing day. We stayed home, the girls practiced piano, we worked on the puzzle, Daddy and I went running, and N and I went for a walk/scoot with Lucky:
It was very warm – almost 70 degrees! But also wet.
Tonight we celebrated Christmas at Nana and Grampy's with Jonathan and Liz and all the families. It was really fun! Food was delicious and everyone had a good time. N had a tantrum for no reason, but he eventually recovered. There were lots of dogs and presents and it was a great way to celebrate Christmas.
Time for bed!