Michael Jackson Tribute Post

I may be going overboard on the girls' lunches. Today I packed:

  • pieces of cooked chicken
  • bag of goldfish

  • snack pack of jello

  • banana for M and apple slices for A

  • water bottle

  • punch

  • cheese stick

  • 3 cat cookies

  • notes from Mommy

Their lunch boxes are heavy! Much of it came back, but I never know what's going to come back, so I don't want to leave anything out.

Tomorrow is a dress-up theme day at camp: campers are supposed to dress as what they want to be  when they grow up. Surprise, surprise – both girls want to go as ballerinas. (Though each flirted with the idea of going as an artist. I was pulling for artist.)

Buppie gave the girls piano lessons after camp.

Then I gave them dancing lessons. Well, I played them a video of a guy breaking down some Michael Jackson moves. Then I showed them some classic MJ videos – "Billie Jean" from the Motown 25 celebration when he debuted the moonwalk, "Beat It", and the second half of "Thriller".

Here are the girls learning some moves:

1 comment

Christina says:

I love it. Maybe they can teach Mikey some moves.

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