Mid-Week Report

Tomorrow, Imogene has jury duty and I will be staying home. In the morning, we are going to have some professional photos taken of the girls. I am not into formal matchy-matchy stuff but they will both be wearing off-white sweaters with cute skirts (one pink, one brown). Then I think we are going to stop by my office and have some PBJ sandwiches. Then… after nap, we are off for some way-overdue haircuts with Paul. (A has decided that she’s ready for Paul). Mommy needs a haircut too but it will have to wait until next Tuesday.

Some memorable "It’s too bad…"s from tonight:

M: "It’s too bad… that we had to go to a castle in Australia."

A: "It’s too bad… that a hippo came all the way upstairs from outside and said goodnight to me."

Books tonight: Russell the Sheep and The Boy Who Wouldn’t Go To Bed.

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