
Busy day! This morning I went to a parents of multiples club sale and got the girls some spring/summer clothes. The best purchases, at least according to M&A, were some furry Elmo and Cookie Monster slippers, which have been worn a lot today, and a new DVD of Bear and the Big Blue House.

Then… gymnastics!

Then the girls had lunch with Daddy while I went to a baby shower/lunch for my friend Amy.

When I got home, we took the girls clothes shopping for Daddy. I tried to play it up beforehand to make it sound like it would be fun. What made it fun was that I read books to the girls in the dressing room while Daddy tried clothes on. The girls were very good sports.

Then we went out for Chinese food, which the girls liked a lot. Then home, bath, books, bed. Poor A has a cold and is sneezing and sneezing.

Both girls have been delectably cute today.

I didn’t post last night, but there was one thing from yesterday I wanted to be sure to write about. A was eating a cookie, and first she bit it in half and said it was a moon. Then she bit some from the middle and turned it over and said it was a boat. Then she bit even more from the middle, turned it over again, and said it was a pirate hat. She is very creative that way.