
Random Report tonight:

The girls had standardized testing today. One word they had to provide a definition for: "rapid". Some choices they had: "as fast as building a skyscraper", "slow as a snail walking across a lawn", and something else. A picked the skyscraper and M picked the snail. I have a feeling it was something else.

Now we are watching the premiere of Next Great Baker.

M is reading A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass.

A is reading The Birthday Ball by Lois Lowry.

I packed turkey rollups for the girls for lunch. A ate hers, M didn't.

The girls have voluntarily had 4 glasses of milk in the last two days. This is a shocking development.

Dessert tonight? A: two donut holes and an oreo. M: 2 oreos and a donut hole.

N is wearing his martian pajamas tonight. He just woke up for no reason but went back to sleep after nursing for a few minutes.

For their December animal acrostics (the theme for December's book report), M is doing penguins and A is doing sea otters. I have ordered two sea otter books for A from the library; M got her penguin book from the Lafayette library.

Tomorrow is a big night! The girls are performing and their teachers will be in the audience!

Here is a photo my friend Amber took during Bea and Lucky's playdate over the weekend:


He's a pretty cute pup, no?



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