
Quick post tonight.

1. N is gaining weight like a champ. At his appointment today, he weighed in at 8 pounds 15 ounces. (Last week he was 8 pounds 4 ounces). According to the doctor, he is gaining weight at twice the rate they would expect. I am not surprised because he is a great nurser and eats around the clock! Otherwise everything is ok. He has a little blood around his cord, but the doctor wasn't worried about it. Probably it is just catching on blankets, etc.

2. We had a lovely afternoon swimming at Grampy's pool. Nana hosted us for lunch and we hung out there for a few hours. It is very, very hot so the pool was a welcome relief.

3. Tomorrow we are going to go to an open house at the girls' camp. They are very excited to check it out. It starts on Monday.

4. I haven't mentioned A's page-a-day beagle calendar. M gave it to her for Hanukah. A doesn't like the way those calendars usually work – you take a page off for each day and then throw it out – because she doesn't like to throw away any of the pages. So she has a pile of pages that have been ripped off the calendar, which she just stacks on top of the unripped-out pages. It's very cute. I will take a picture of it at some point soon.

5. I see the doctor tomorrow and hopefully get the greenlight to resume activity, including driving.

6. Night nurse is coming tonight so I am going to sign off! Trying not to use night nurse time on the computer.

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