Missing the Girls

I was in Boston for a night for work and returned this afternoon. I missed the girls a lot, and I heard they missed me too. It was very nice to see them when I got home – they came bounding down the stairs, laughing and laughing, which is how they greet me most nights. They are the cutest things.

I took them out for pizza for dinner after we drove Imo (our nanny) home. They didn’t eat much, but we had a nice time. Then Daddy and I went to a play, so Buppie came over to babysit. They apparently did a lot of gynmnastics in the house after I left, including somersaults and sliding under the dining room table.

A let Imo trim all of her nails last night, without a negotiation. What’s up with that?

They also have been eating a lot of sweets lately – candy, brownies with "M&Ns" on top, Halloween cookies, jello. Imo is definitely spoiling them.

Buppie read them 2 books: Richard Scarry Best Word Book Ever and some Winnie-the-Pooh books.

1 comment

TLB says:

Love Best Work Book Ever, especially kitty cat rescue by the firefighters and Kenny Bear’s morning routine….

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