We are so proud of M today! At her baseball game, she scored a home run on the last play of the game, bringing home 3 Giants and earning a win – 16-13!! This was on top of a double in the first inning. She was the game's MVP, as decreed by her coach, which meant she got the game ball, which all of the players signed. She was SO happy and we were so proud!! Here are some pictures from her game today (but there is more to the post after the pics so be sure to keep scrolling down):












She just got this email via my email address from her coach from last spring:


heard from Mathew Farber’s dad that you made the game winning hit in
today’s game.  Congratulations!  I’m very happy for you, and you should
be very proud of yourself.  Keep up the great work!

Coach Mike

In other news, it's Rosh Hashanah. We had a lovely dinner at Grandma's house with her and Stu. Daddy went to services and I held down the fort here.

N has been sleeping like a champ – 12+ hours at night. Such a nice gift for his parents.

Other highlights of the weekend: Friday night's game of Clue (which prompted me to post this FB status: "You know how to make Clue more challenging?
Let your daughter put the three cards in the envelope. That way you end
up with 2 rooms, a weapon, and no suspects. I declare a mistrial."); Saturday night's viewing of "Enchanted", which the girls liked a lot; dinner at Cactus Cantina, where we ran into M's first grade teacher (on a date, no less!), M's excellent baseball practice yesterday, and Jessie's birthday party at All Fired Up. I took N on some social calls yesterday to see some friends – Andrew H in the morning and Matt H in the afternoon.

Some other pics from the weekend:




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