Mommy Camp Day 1

Today was the first day of Mommy Camp.

I had an appointment downtown in the morning, and then went food shopping, so I got home around 12:30. M had JUST woken up, and both girls were in their PJs! I got them to change and eat and we headed out around 1:30. First stop was the ballet store, where we got new leotards, ballet slippers and tights for the upcoming year. Then it was off to the crafts store, which both girls said was the best store they have ever been in. They loved every aisle we went down. We revisited some of their childhood faves, like Perler beads and the mosaics M used to do all the time. I asked if they wanted any craft projects for the beach, and M was tempted by the Perler beads and the mosaics, but ultimately decided against them. I think the girls are just too old for them! We did buy some new gimp colors, some Mad Libs, some invisible ink "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader" games, a huge eraser that says "For BIG Mistakes", glittery M & A foam letters, a "velvet painting" art project for the beach, and a backscratcher (random).

Then it was off to Target, where we spent a lot more than we expected, as always. We got new lunchboxes, new bathmats, some more school supplies from the 3rd grade list, a 9M onesie that says "Little Brother", some water bottle holders, 3 boxes of Edy's Fruit Bars in Lemonade (Daddy and I are addicted), 2 boxes of mini ice cream sandwiches, and some other random stuff.

Both girls said that Mommy Camp was their favorite so far (ha!) and that they had a great day. We're listening to our next book club book, The Lemonade War, on audio and they never want me to turn off the car!

After dinner the 4 of us (me, M, N and A) went to Broad Branch Market for ice cream (A) and Sprees (M). N slept the whole time. Here are pics from our stroll:



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