Mommy Camp Day 2

Quick post tonight because two very cute 8 year-olds have, once again, forgotten to plug in my computer after playing on it. So the battery is about to die, and I don't feel like going upstairs and getting the cord.

Today was Mommy Camp Day 2. First I took M to the orthodontist. The good news is, she doesn't need an expander or other immediate intervention to make room in her mouth. She does need a few extractions of baby teeth (this fall) and then extraction of the grownup teeth that will come in in their place (next summer). Braces in 2-3 years. The orrthodontist is really happy with the results of last fall's extractions, which allowed M's teeth to straighten out beautifully. We compared pictures to last summer – what a difference!

Daddy was on the phone with me when we started the consultation at the end of the appointment, so we emailed him the xrays and photos and kept him on speakerphone, and he got to hear what the recommendations were.

After the orthodontist, we headed home so M & A could have lunch. Then we went to Bethesda Pool for the afternoon. I joined them in the pool before we left and it was very fun and refreshing. Perfect summer afternoon.

Here are the girls at the pool:


Tomorrow: N's 2 month appointment (lots of shots – ugh!) and Let's Dish with the girls.


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