Mommy Camp Day 3 and 98th Percentile

Today was Mommy Camp Day 3. It kicked off with a visit to the pediatrician for N. He is in the… wait for it…

98th percentile

for height and weight. He's huge! 15.2 pounds and 24.5 inches long. Wow. No wonder he eats so much! Our doctor isn't worried, because he's just big, not fat. He has a wide ribcage too. But he is perfectly healthy and looks great. He had 2 shots and an oral vaccine, which he didn't enjoy. He cried for a few seconds, but then had a bottle, which helped a lot. Sadly, he wasn't feeling great today – up a lot, uncomfortable, and running a slight fever. I hope he sleeps well tonight.

As far as Mommy Camp goes, we had a fun day. The girls and I went to Let's Dish and made some meals that we can eat at the beach. They've never been there but have always heard about it from me. They had a lot of fun and I loved having helpers with me. We went to Five Guys for lunch beforehand and they had smoothies afterwards (and also ate scones and other desserts while we were there). High calorie day – ugh.

Here are some shots of them wearing the Let's Dish aprons and bandanas. M is shivering in the last one because she is standing in front of the freezer where all of our completed meals are.





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