Mommy Camp Day 4

Today was the weakest link in the Mommy Camp quintet. I had to do a social media panel downtown at 12:30, so I was out of the house from 11:45-2. That put a bit of a dent in the day, but I think we managed to have a good one anyway. While I was out, the girls practiced the piano and read, and also decorated some water bottles that Tuvana gave them in June when she was in town. When I got home, we went out for YogiBerry (see pics below) and stopped at the pet store to get some tetras to replace the one who died last week. (We are now down to 4 fish after a high of about 14, which is very sad.)



After the Yogiberry, we came back to the house and met Tuvana, who is visiting from NY and who wanted to come over to see N. The girls went to a playdate at Lily's house, and I met them later in the evening with N to have dinner over there. They seemed to have a good time. We didn't get home until well after 9, at which time A gave me a makeover (makeup and a new part in my hair) and I did her nails.

Both girls said that they don't really want to go to a waterpark that badly tomorrow, which is fine with me (I wasn't relishing the idea of the long drive and threatening weather). I think we are going to go see Diary of a Wimpy Kid instead. I am sad that Mommy Camp is coming to an end! It has been a great week with the girls. M said her favorite day was the errands day – Target and the crafts store.

Oh, M's custom orange Converse sneakers came. She loves them! Here is a pic:


I love the floor at Yogiberry – see what's below her feet.

How did I manage NOT to take a photo of Tuvana holding N today? Really regretting that. But we are so glad she came over to see him. She started crying when she saw him – so sweet!



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