Mommy is Sick

I guess it was inevitable. Two girls sick in one week… makes Mommy sick too. Yesterday I got the virus that’s been making the rounds in the house. Fever and sore throat. But I feel a little better today.

Yesterday was camp orientation. The girls are in the Sailor class (same as last year, for some reason). And they are back in their old Leapfrogs classroom. This is not ideal, because of course they expect it to be the same as the Leapfrogs class. But there is no Tamara and Liz, and there are about 6 kids they don’t know. M & A took one look at the busy room and their camp counselor and promptly burst into tears. Not a great start to camp. Then Imogene got beaned in the head with a ball on the playground by one of the boy counselors, and the day got even worse.

A told me later, "I don’t like the kids I don’t know. I don’t like Daniel." I looked at the list and there is no Daniel in their class. So I read all the names of the kids in their class. A said, "I don’t like Will." I said, "Which one is Will?" And A said, "I don’t know, what does he look like?"

Today was Harrison’s birthday party. The girls had a good time. It was jungle-themed and there were all kinds of activities. Harrison’s mom is good at that type of thing – themed food, stations, etc. I am not so good at that type of thing.

I may take a nap now to try to shake this virus.

Abby is babysitting tonight.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Dear Mommy, I hope by now you feel much better. Viruses do make the rounds in families. I know that to be true. Please take good care of yourself so you can take care of those two wonderful and beautiful daughters.
Aunt Ann

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