Mommy on a Trip

I just got back from an overnight trip to Detroit and Boston. A few funny things in connection with the trip:

1. I told the girls on Tuesday that I would be gone on Wednesday night and that I was going to be on an airplane. M asked me if I was going to color on the plane, and then if I would be doing stickers.  She asked me if I would also write numbers on the plane.   A asked me if I would make smiley faces. I don’t have the heart to tell them that I read the newspaper instead of coloring.

2. When I got home today, the girls came to the door and asked where I was. I said, "On my trip!" M said, "No, you were in Boston!" And A said, "Yeah, a Boston!" (This is the first time I have ever heard them know of Boston). Then they had some questions – "What did you do in a Boston?" "Was a Boston fun?"

3. Finally, M wanted to help me unpack. She took my hairdryer and ziploc bag o’ liquids and gels out of my suitcase and took off with them. I asked her to wait, so that I could tell her where they went, and she said, "But I want to be helpful!" It was very cute.

I am glad to be home!

1 comment

Rachel says:

oh… that is very cute.
grandma sandy just came and now she canceled her train ride going to fly in my dad’s plane back to washington. sarah needs to go to sears and abercrombie because she needs close for M.K.A. how are you? OW! my hands hurt from typeing so much but i didn’t relize that till now because i was so into writing this. did you get any more comments beside me? well love ye.
love rachel

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