Mommy’s a Party Girl

This morning, I sang some songs to the girls to the tune of "You're a Grand Old Flag"… like this:

(To A) "You're my tiny girl, you're my tiny girl… you're the cutest, tiniest girl I know." (We call her Tiny, which she loves).

(To M) "You're my readhead girl, you're my readheaded girl… you're the cutest redhead I know."

(To A) "You're a ballet girl, you're my ballet girl… and we love to watch you dance."

(To M) "You're a peel-and-stick girl, you're a stick-and-peel girl… and you love to make peel-and-stick pictures."

The girls, and A especially, love when I sing songs that are specifically about each one of them.

Then they sang songs to me.

M:  "You're a black girl, you're a black girl, and you love to wear lots of black." (Ummm…)

A: "You're a party girl, you're a party girl, and you love to go to lots of parties."

Here are some photos from after work tonight:

Night1  Night2


Anonymous says:

Those lucky girls get mommy to sing songs for them, and about them. They are so special and they deserve all of it.
Aunt Ann

Anonymous says:

Those lucky girls get mommy to sings songs to them and about them. They are so adorable and deserve all of it.
Aunt Ann

Aunt Darrah says:

Hilarious… esp the black girl part!

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