Mommy’s New Toy

I didn’t get to post last night, thanks to a ridiculous air traffic control decision that forced me to land at a different airport from the one I had taken off from the day before. I arrived home 4 hours later than I had expected and missed the girls altogether.

Thankfully, I had a nice day at home today and got to spend a lot of time with M&A. One thing about M – she loves to help me clean things out and organize. Today I cleaned out our front hall closet, and she was very helpful with things like putting hangers in bags and moving gloves and scarves around. She definitely takes after her mommy that way. Hopefully that means that she will have a neat room!

Frames_2I know every parent thinks that their children have exceptional talents, but in this case it’s really true: A is a natural ballerina. Tonight she was dancing to the Nutcracker and starting moving her feet under her like a ballerina en pointe – kind of fluttering them. She is very, very good. I think I need to enroll her in ballet classes – it’s just that I love having the girls going to gymnastics so much that I don’t want to give it up. Maybe Sunday mornings? A likes to perform ballet, and if she can’t find a big enough audience, she takes the family photos from the piano and arranges them in a semi-circle so that they can watch her dance. (Many of the people in the photos are loyal P&B blog readers – you will be happy to know that you have served often as enthusiastic audience members.) Here is what it looks like (see left).

Finally… Uncle Jonathan gave me an amazing birthday present that I am very excited about. I opened it tonight and the girls were quite intrigued as well. Here are some photos:

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Aunt Darrah says:

That is so cute and inventive of Alexa. Happy *almost* Birthday Gayle!!

Anonymous says:

It was such fun reading about M and A today. They are so adorable.
Please give the “organizer” and “ballet dancer” a BIG hug and kiss from me. I didn’t know it was your birthday — soooo, have a happy year. What a wonderful birthday gift from Jonathan. Do you play?

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