Monday Miscellany

A had her playdate today with the boy from her class. I didn't get a good sense from her of how the playdate went. She said they did a lot of practicing for their music performance, and that they are doing a dance together…? That's pretty much all I got out of her. Doesn't sound like it was too momentous either way.

I have to go on a work trip tomorrow for one night – back on Wednesday.

We have a library book that we can't find. It is the first time I have ever lost a book. It's one of many books that I took out at one time for A, and I thought that I had returned them all, but the system is telling me that one is still outstanding and it is due tomorrow. I am not sure how this will proceed. I am reminded of the first story from All of a Kind Family, when the sisters all pitch in to help one of them repay a library book that got lost. (It took a year to repay!)

Captain is still moving around a lot. And we still have no belly shots! Ugh!

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