Monday Monday

What happened today? Not a whole lot, other than…

  • Girls got up and watched last night's women's gymnastics all-around qualifier before camp. They were sad that Jordyn Wieber didn't make the cut.
  • N actually went to sleep at a decent time tonight – 8:15! It's 10:55 and he is still down – that is encouraging. He was a sleepy boy.
  • We walked to Broad Branch Market after dinner, and N cried the whole way home.
  • Baby announcements have finally been ordered. They've been in draft for ages and now they are on order.
  • N is now in size 2 diapers.

A couple of funnies –

  • M saw a sticker on a car that was the shape of Washington DC. She asked me what it was, and I explained that DC used to be a square but gave away a corner to Virginia. The girls were very disturbed by this – why would we give away so much to Virginia? Why would we ruin a perfect diamond?
  • A brought a very soft leaf home from camp today, which feels like velvet. Before we left for BBM, she said she wanted to bring it with us so that she could show it to any friends she saw along the way. Well, 2 blocks from here she saw someone she knew – someone who babysits for their friend Emily. We stopped to talk to her, and A made her close her eyes and touch the leaf and guess what it was. The girl knew EXACTLY what it was! It's called something like a slipper foot something – I can't remember. I just can't believe A saw someone she knew and that person guessed what the leaf was with her eyes closed.
  • A lost the leaf somewhere before we got to BBM, so she wasn't able to show it to her friend Katie, who we saw at BBM. We retraced our steps back and all had our eyes peeled for her lost leaf, even during N's incessant crying. No luck. A few hours later, I saw her with the leaf. I said, "Where did you find it?" She said, "Oh, I have a bunch in my lunchbox." I was like, why were you so upset about the one you lost? She said, "Mommy, every one counts."

Here are some pics from the walk to BBM:

M pushing the stroller:


Our friend Kristi holding N:


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