Monday, Monday

The girls had a good day. After a good night's sleep, A is feeling better. M had baseball practice and she got a 100 on her spelling pre-test, which means she is excused from spelling tests this week. A did well on her test too, which means her week of homework won't be too bad. Tonight, after homework, we watched some of the Levine Camp performance DVD and A and I played Chutes and Ladders.

Not a bad night!

BAD NEWS: I can't seem to scan anything on the machine at work! Tragic! I have cute stuff to scan, too.

Daddy is in NY but will be home tomorrow night, just for a night.


1 comment

a says:

I’m sure daddy misses all of you. Mommy and the girls certainly do well together. I’m so proud of all of you.
Aunt Ann

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