Monday Night Blues

A couple of things I have forgotten to write:

  • When we were getting haircuts over the holiday, a woman who works at the salon came up to M and asked if she could borrow her for a second. She wanted to match M's hair color to a dye sample. Apparently a client's husband pointed at M and said, "That's the color hair I want you to have!"
  • At school the girls are learning the letter P. Apparently their teacher asked for the kids to volunteer words that start with P. M raised her hand and said, "Penis". A said all the girls started laughing (but not the boys!).

Tonight's homework was hard and long. It took almost an hour to do. There were tough parts, including copying long words from one side of a paper to the other (meaning they had to flip it over many times to figure out the letters). A especially was feeling pretty dogged as we were going through the assignments. At the end, she said, "I have the blues tonight."

Books we read tonight for the 2010 M&A Reading Challenge: Desert Animals (a book from Grandma Sandy for Hanukah) and Castles (a book we bought in France about castles). Both are pop-up books.

A is definitely overtired. She has been crying a lot tonight about where wants to sleep. I keep telling her it's her choice.

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