Monday Off

I had to go on a day trip to NY today, so I didn't get to see the girls other than this morning. But here is what happened today:

1) We had a parent-teacher conference with A's teacher. She said that she has really stepped it up this period. Where she was in the middle of the pack at the beginning of the year, she is now in the top group. She is reading a lot, and is in a special reading group on Fridays. She has also spent a lot of recent recess periods reading. Her spelling is coming along, although she tends to focus more on memorization than on instinct with spelling. Apparently that is very common because of the way spelling is now being taught – not phonetically, but basically by memorization. Best of all, her teacher said that A is a great kid in class – always focused. There are no mean girls in the class, and socially, A is doing great. She has friends, but it sounds like she's not clliquey or overly social. All in all, the conference went really well.

2) Daddy had Imogene bring the girls downtown this afternoon (they had today off) and they went to the Spy Museum. I haven't gotten too much of a download on how the trip went, but he did say that some of it was a little bit old for them. I am sure they enjoyed being on the subway and out of the usual routine.

Glad to be back from my third day trip to NY in 8 days! Captain is moving around a ton and making his presence known. He seems to like moving when I am the most still – on the train, on the couch.

I have some cute pics from Grandma's trip to the Kennedy Center with the girls on Friday night, but have had some trouble figuring out how to download them on this new computer. Hopefully will figure it out tomorrow and post!

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