Monday You Could Fall Apart…

Monday, Monday. Bookened by tears on both ends from A. She's going through a little phase – not sure what it is – where she has a good crying jag at least once a day. She seems to save it for home, and for us – better than doing it at school! But it is getting a little exhausting, I must say. We don't have a lot of patience for it. And it makes us late for school.

Lots of homework tonight, and then we started a chapter book that we bought yesterday. (Daddy picked out a bunch of books at Borders, and I added The Hundred Dresses, which we made it through over half of tonight.) I remember it from growing up. The girls seem to be enjoying it.



a says:

A is lucky to have such understanding parents. It IS exhausting to have a child cry everyday and not understand what is causing it. But this “phase” will pass and all will be “well” again. As you already know, you have two wonderful, talented, children who are very much loved and cared for. Lucky girls.
Aunt Ann

Len says:

Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart…

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