
Tonight, after I got home from work, the girls dressed up in tutus and wands and high-heeled shoes. They paraded around the downstairs, showing off their outfits, until A started saying to me, "What’s that noise? What’s that noise?" I told her I didn’t hear any noise. Finally, she said, "I know what that is – it’s the monster." I asked her where the monster was. She said it was "over there, in that cave." I asked if it was a nice monster or a scary monster, and she said it was a scary monster. It lives in a cave near the piano and it comes out sometimes and does funny dances and makes funny faces, which she demonstrated for me.  M & A hid behind the sofa cushions for a while but finally decided it was more fun to imitate the monster than wait for it.

A hurt her finger at camp today – someone named "Molly" closed a door on it in the playhouse. I got the dreaded call from camp informing me that she had hurt herself, but she was a very big girl and didn’t want to come home early. This is the first time that I can remember that she has allowed a band-aid (but ONLY the one with Elmo on it) to stay on for more than 5 minutes.

Finally, as promised, here is a photo of the cake that M & A helped me make for Daddy’s birthday, as well as a photo of M & A with Grandma D and Grandpa R on Daddy’s  birthday.

Cake1 Cake2

1 comment

Rachel says:

ok now that is the best blog so far.
love rachel.
i’m sorry this is short but gotta go.

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