More Birthday Photos

Save the date. Next Wednesday is the girls' first ballet recital. I was at the dress rehearsal today, and I can say with confidence that it's going to be a good show.

M&A have been tearing into their birthday presents. So far they've enjoyed: many peel 'n' stick designs, the hatching alligator and dinosaur, the sleeping princess and the pea game, the castle game, several new dolls, the custom books, the Fancy Nancy puzzle, the thing that launches pink discs in the air, the game where you have to guess who the person is, the Fancy Nancy card game, a few books, the decorate-your-own-tiaras, some beads-in-a-shape shapes, and their ballerina necklaces. And that's only in 3 days!

Here are some more pics from the bday and bday party:

Bday1 Bday2 Bday3 Bday4 Bday6  Bday5 Bday7

1 comment

a says:

Thank you, thank you for the wonderful photos. The gifts the girls received are fabulous. Love the cake you are carrying – Yum! Thanks for great descriptions of everything.
Aunt Ann

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