More Correspondence with the Tooth Fairy

So much to report from the weekend.

M is going to be Star of the Week tomorrow. She's very excited. Here are her answers to the questionnaire:

Favorite Color:

LichtenheldFavorite Book: What Are You So Grumpy About?

I have: 0 Brothers; 1 Sister; 1 Pet

My Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: cookie dough with chocolate chips

I'm Happiest When: I'm with my family

My Proudest Accomplishments: getting golden Ls and losing four teeth

Top 10 Favorites:

Sport: swimming

Hobby: doing fuse beads

Toy:Baby and Blankie

Holiday: Halloween and Hanukah

TV Show: Zach and Cody

Movie: Mary Poppins

Food: cake (!)

Pet: dog

School subject: reading and unscrambling words

Pizza topping: cheese

Last night Buppie babysat. A asked her to write the following note to the Tooth Fairy:

To the Tooth Fairy:

Can you please bring me a present tonight because my tooth is a little loose. Mommy and Daddy don't think it's loose, but the dentist thinks it's loose. I keep flossing to make it a little looser. Love The. Tooth. Fairy. A

She received the following note this morning from the Tooth Fairy:

Dear A:

Thank you for your wonderful note. It made my night! I can get pretty tired flying around to houses all night, but as soon as I read your note, it put me in a wonderful mood, and gave me some much-needed energy!

I can't wait to visit you whenever you lose your tooth to give you a gift, and you might be right a bout that tooth getting a little looser. I'll be sure to drop by at nights more frequently to check it out. But there's one definite rule of Tooth Fairies – no presents until the teeth are actually out! (One of my very few exceptions was when you got a present when M lost her teeth, but I thought you deserved it then, since you were such a good sister.)

Please tell M hi for me, and I can't wait to get some teeth from both of you soon. I love the teeth you both have – they're so cute and nice and clean and white. Please make sure to keep them that way with lots of brushing and flossing.

Love, the Tooth Fairy

I thought that was a good note! (And I didn't write it.)

Weekend was fun… Trip to Costco yesterday after ballet. Today, we thought there was Sunday School, but there wasn't, so the girls had an impromptu playdate with Lolly. Then we went to Roosevelt Island, met up with a friend, and poked around a bit. My friend took some beautiful photos of the girls, which I will post tomorrow.

Tomorrow Daddy leaves for China for 4 nights. And it's my last week at work.


1 comment

a says:

The Tooth Fairy writes wonderful messages. Give her my love when you see her. A is very excited about a loose tooth, and I don’t blame her. I’m looking forward to the photos on your next blog.
All of your blogs are so interesting. Thank you for them.
Aunt Ann

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