More from San Diego

Here is another update from San Diego.

Yesterday was our big Disneyland day. We drove to Anaheim (90 mins away) and got there around 10. Disneyland was C-R-O-W-D-E-D. All those people on Christmas break – wow. I have never seen such throngs of people.

We didn't do that many rides because it took so long to get into them, but I think we did as many rides as the girls wanted. Some were hits and some were not (Pirates of the Caribbean and the log flume). But it was overall a fun day. So much to see there. M's favorite rides: Buzz Lightyear, Astro Orbiter, Jungle Cruise and It's a Small World. A's favorites: Teacups, Buzz LIghtyear, Astro Orbiter, It's a Small World and Jungle Cruise.

We got back around 9, and had dinner here at the hotel. We met up with Jill, who was here to go to SeaWorld with us with her kids Luca and Maddox and her husband Jorge.

Today the 8 of us had breakfast here at the hotel and then went to SeaWorld. SeaWorld was also pretty crowded, but not as bad as Disneyland. We went up a revolving elevator that gave us a great view of the park, and then saw a whale show. The girls also played at a big play area and a moon bounce-type thing, and then we saw a dolphin show. [A just said "Wassssssuuuupp!" to Grandma Dina on the phone.] Lunch, then penguins, then sharks, and then we were done. Back here for frigid swimming – it was cold and foggy – and then we went out to dinner at a local restaurant in Mission Bay.

So it has been a really fun trip. Busy and a bit exhausting for this 16-week pregnant lady, but a lot of fun, and lots of good times with the girls.

Souvenirs bought:

  • Zoo – a friendship bracelet making kit for M
  • Disneyland – 2 very cute hats – an M baseball hat for M and a jester hat for A, and keychains for both
  • SeaWorld – a light up bubblemaker for A

(Also a magnet from every place.)

We fly home tomorrow at 1:30. In the morning we will go to the beach nearby and have breakfast in Mission Bay.

Sad that the trip is almost over!

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