More Miscellany

There was a lot of activity in the house today. We had the big hole in the ceiling fixed and the whole first floor ceiling painted. There was plastic wrap everywhere and lots of plaster and debris on the floor. It looks a lot better now. The ceiling hole is patched but won't be painted until Friday.

We also had a roofer come to check out our roof and explore the leaks we've had. The news was not good.

The girls came home from school and went to Chug Ivrit. N went to and from school. Our cleaning lady came for the last time (Imogene is going to go back to cleaning). And I worked from home. So there was a lot happening here.

On Sunday night, the girls had their sleeping bags out to get ready for the slumber party they went to that night. N wanted in on the action so I got out M's old sleeping bag (circus) and he has been sleeping in it ever since. We got him to sleep in it on his bed.

N has been very into Max and Ruby lately. I think he identifies with Max. 🙂

Tomorrow is PJ Day at N's class. He wants to put on clean PJs when he wakes up.

AND the girls have bene creating very entertaining Dubsmash videos.


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