More Photos from Spring Break

Sorry for the absence. I fell asleep Wednesday night, and was in NY last night for work. I had a good trip work-wise, and was unexpectedly able to catch up with an old friend from college and his wife for dinner. (Unexpected because he lives in Portland OR – we both just happened to be in NY last night).

The girls are fine – had a good week at school. I didn't post about their tennis lesson on Wednesday – I left work early so that I could go and see it. It was cute! They did a lot of running around, and it was a very hot day, so they had a lot of water breaks. I had to laugh because at the end, the coach said, "Everyone did a really good job today…" and A yelled out, "WHO WON?"

Without further ado, here are more pics from Spring Break. Here are some pics from the NY segment of the trip – dinner at a Turkish restaurant; visit to Darrah, Jason and Sydney; and Passover.

NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 NY12


a says:

The photos are wonderful Thank you for sharing them. The new baby is so cute. What a wonderful family. As always, M and A are adorable. Nice picture of Dan and his mother, and of the whole family.
Aunt Ann

a says:

Again, thank you so much for the great photos. As I said above, M and A are darling, and the baby is so cute. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Aunt Ann

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